Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Spelunking in Sumaging Cave in Sagada, Mountain Province, was fun, nothing really difficult or unbearable. Yes, there was bat poop all over the entrance and the descent. The rock formations are unique. And the tunnel presented a challenge. But passage through the tunnel was an extraordinary experience for me. It may not be the same for all, but I was there with the people dearest to my heart, my children. I realized then how much I am willing to give of myself just to make the passage through the tunnel easier for them. We all had our share of slipping, stumbling, crawling, groping, climbing, swimming, rappelling, squeezing through rocks, shivering from the cold, and swinging from rope to rope. But not all experienced the same bonding my small family had while in the cave. I whispered to my son, “don't be afraid, Mama is here,” every chance I get to let him know that everything will be alright in the end. I hugged my daughter so many times just to share the warmth of my body. My children did not complain even if they were afraid, tired, and cold. Not even once.


  1. I hate this post! Naiiyak ako.

  2. @ jae: amazing talaga, even without the drama =)
    @ anonymous: ako rin =(

  3. replay ng message ko sa card mo.. i honor you for being a great mom to your kids..

  4. Hellloowwwww....! :) Nice place here. I've placed you in my links. Hope you get to visit my site too.

  5. hey! i've been a witness to that heroic act. it kept me thinking if i can do that also as a mother (if ever). kudos to you!

  6. I read "poop all over the entrance", nanlaki mata ko; it was then I saw "bat". He he.
